Friday, December 12, 2008

A Feathered Visitor

I was standing in Howie's room one afternoon last week & heard the sound of an animal squeaking. I freaked out thinking that a shrew had gotten into the house! Then I heard tapping on the window, so I peeked through the blinds & saw this bird, which I think is a bittern. Howie & I ran outside to go get a better look at it. It was pretty funny, because it wouldn't let me get a side view of it. It just kept stretching it's neck out & following to face me whenever I moved. I finally did get a better view, but only because it was distracted by Howie & Clarence. It's been living in the bushes outside of our house & our neighbor Meredith's house. I've seen it a couple of times on our front porch.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Tori, I actually saw two of them yesterday in the top of a coconut tree in your front yard! There must be a nest nearby somewhere. -Meredith